I have asked very same question about 2 weeks ago, however because didn't received any answer to my satisfaction I decided to post it again: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AnKs4UZgRZ4gLvDNZp28.Z9IzKIX?qid=20070620192607AAGwPPt
See link above for more detail explanation. Referring to previous answers: 1) Verizon's techs were of no help (my impression is they simply don't know), already tried them before posting first time 2) I feel that having static or semi-static IP is simply not safe!!! While chatting (as on Yahoo chat), sending e-mails, visiting web sites etc etc it is easily possible or to be more precise even very likely (IMO), that IP will eventually end up in not desired hands - as local chat trolls for instance. Once IP ends in bad hands, it is possible to perform number of attacks and with little dose of luck, patience and knowledge hack someones PC or router. Ability to quickly change IP (when in need) is in my opinion ';a must'; for any security conscious personHow to change FIOS IP?
OK I have read you last posting and had answered it correctly but here is the straight truth.. There is only two way to change your DHCP assigned IP address through Verizon.
when the router is powered up... it looks for a dhcp server and asks it for an IP. this IP is leased to the router for 24hrs and unless there is a break in the connection will continue to renew this lease i.e you will continue to have the same ip.
so your options are
a) Call the tech support 1-888-553-1555 and ask for a break dhcp lease.....
b) turn you router off fo 24hrs and let the lease expire. and when you turn on the router you'll get another IP address.
NOTE: with both of these actions ther is no guarentee of a different IP address the odd are high that you will but ';could'; occur...
now if you find another provider that allows you to change IP on the fly go with them....right or wrong 99.99% of all DHCP servers in the business world operate like this. ';secuirty conscious'; folks know this and have firewalls and other networking tools to prevent all those nasty things you mentioned above...
there are things that are controllable and uncontrollable....
now you can re-post this as many times as you want but the truth will not change that's just how it works...How to change FIOS IP?
From what I've seen and read, you get a dynamic IP from a pool each time you connect. But yes its possible to get the same IP from time to time even when you turn your computer off at night.
If you don't like the IP you have, disconnect your router at and then connect again.
Some FIOS techs are great in the field and some are in training on the phone support. They're connecting hundereds a day nationwide, so one day they'll learn the ropes.
For me FIOS is just the best ISP out there hands down.
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